The annual "3.15 party" has passed, and those car companies that have a lot of problems but are not on the list can finally breathe a sigh of relief, the most typical example is; Only the companies on the list, such as Hehe, "apologized quickly" with lightning speed, and turned a "criticism conference" into an excellent opportunity for brand marketing.

It is conceivable that the enterprises listed in the "315 party" in the future will have the following process: "I am listed-then I apologize-promise to improve service and management-and report the progress of this matter later." After years of development and exploration, those companies that have been on the list and will be on the list in the future and their public relations companies are no longer at a loss.

This year’s "315 party" exposed the problems of two companies, namely, the rust of automobile gearbox and frequent gearbox failures. Compared with only one automobile brand last year, the breakthrough in quantity is still worthy of praise. However, in terms of heat, cars and the sum of the two are far from bad. I really don’t know whether to feel sad for the first two or to feel surprised and angry for not being on the list.

There are countless books to describe it. Although it has contributed a lot to the transformation of automobiles to electrification, it is really hard for people to like the behavior of refusing to admit that it has thrown dirty water on users when something goes wrong.

Why are you fearless? There are even many consumers who encounter all kinds of problems that cannot be solved. In the final analysis, the hope for rights protection and exposure lies in the imperfection of the legal system and supervision, which happens to give many people an opportunity. Perhaps what consumers care about is not whether they are on the 315, but to arouse more vigilance and institutional guarantee through complaints and rights protection.

It should be exposed by CCTV.

According to the arrangement of Chezhi. com, in the "2020 Domestic Car Complaint Sales Ratio Ranking", the domestic Model3′ s complaint sales ratio is only 0.007%, ranking first in the list, which has to make people wonder who is wrong with the media reports we have seen. Traditionally, it is the fault of all those who think they are wrong to think they are "right".

This Model 3, which often makes headlines in various media because of out-of-control and spontaneous combustion, has an annual complaint sales volume of only 0.7% on the car quality network! This means that among the 100,000 Model 3 users, only 7 people will be dissatisfied to complain, which is completely inconsistent with the rough workmanship and low-quality personnel set by the media for a long time.

However, there is also a statistical data showing that since 2021 alone, there have been as many as 19 complaints, among which there are 4 complaints about domestic products that have just been listed. Most of the problems focus on the battery being unable to be fully charged and the air conditioner not heating.

In addition to complaints, there are many accidents. For example, a Model 3 fire and spontaneous combustion accident occurred in a certain district of Shanghai in January this year; In the same month, a consumer in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, bought a Model 3 inverter for only 6 days, but the after-sales staff blamed the State Grid for "too much current", which triggered a heated discussion and ended up apologizing to the State Grid rather than the user. On the 9th of this month, the video of a woman sitting on the roof of a Model3 accident car with a trumpet in Anyang City quickly attracted widespread attention on the Internet. In this regard, most officials believe that there is no abnormality in the vehicle, which is the driver’s operational error.

Especially in the Anyang incident, on March 10, Vice President Tao Lin forwarded a commentary published by People’s Daily on May 25, 2020 on her personal Weibo: "Who makes trouble and who is right?" Supreme Law: Let those who abide by the law hold their heads high, and those who violate the law and lose their morality can’t move a step. Although she didn’t mention the final conclusion on this matter, it is no wonder that forwarding this article at this time node will be interpreted by netizens as insinuating that the female car owner who blocked the door and defended her rights was making trouble unreasonably.

However, whether it is unreasonable or not, the people who eat melons know it well. Anyone who talks about "martial arts" will not end up in a situation where everyone shouts and fights. Not only that, the product has been "officially certified" and has been interviewed twice in less than a year.

I was interviewed for the first time on March 10th last year. The First Division of Equipment Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology had an interview on the illegal assembly of HW2.5 components for some vehicles, and ordered them to rectify immediately in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Measures for the Administration of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Product Access to ensure production consistency and product quality and safety.

The second time was on February 5 this year, the State Administration of Markets issued a notice saying that according to the requirements of the Regulations on the Management of Defective Automobile Product Recall and the Measures for the Implementation of the Regulations on the Management of Defective Automobile Product Recall, the recall plan was filed with the State Administration of Markets. From February 5, 2021, some imported Model S models produced between September 18, 2013 and February 20, 2018 were recalled, totaling 20,400 vehicles; Recall some imported Model X models produced from March 12, 2016 to February 16, 2018, totaling 15,600 vehicles.

At this point, it is reasonable to say that the attitude should be improved and the recall plan should be actively made according to the government’s requirements. However, under the leadership of Musk, "I can’t satisfy me on the earth, and I want to support the elderly on Mars", how can I easily bow my head? Faced with a perfunctory attitude, on February 8th, the State Administration of Market Supervision issued a message, demanding strict compliance with China laws and regulations, strengthening internal management, implementing the main responsibility of enterprise quality and safety, effectively safeguarding social public safety and effectively protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

But as far as the current effect is concerned, like a dead pig, it is not afraid of boiling water. As the saying goes, water can carry a boat and overturn it. It’s not just that it’s not time to report it.

The problem of autonomy is the most, and the Japanese surpassed the American system and rose to the second place.

Part of the reason why it has become the target of public criticism is that its products do have problems, but the bigger problem is that it throws the pot and does not respect users. However, the world is so big, not only one car company has problems with its products, but also many problems in terms of product quality.

According to the analysis report of complaints accepted by the National Consumers Association in 2020 released by the China Consumers Association earlier this month, the performance of 34,897 complaints about automobiles and parts in 2020 dropped from the first in 2019 to the second in the whole year, but it still increased by 1.64% year-on-year, which also shows that automobile consumption remains a key topic of concern for the whole industry.

The report shows that automobile quality, sales contract, after-sales service and new energy vehicles have become the four major problems of automobile complaints. Among them, the number of complaints related to the quality and safety problems of new energy vehicles soared, among which 1,173 cases were reported on the defect clues of new energy vehicles, most of which were concentrated on power batteries, motors and electric systems, accounting for 49.4% of the defect clues of new energy vehicles.

As for complaints about traditional energy vehicles, the main problems focus on six aspects: automobile quality problems, contract disputes and disguised price increases. Among them, the car quality problem is still the biggest hot spot of complaints. Such as brake failure during driving, engine and gearbox failure, etc.

In the past year, the number of complaints about the increase of brand engine oil and the emulsification of engine oil, and the gearbox problems of German brand vehicles, led by them, was relatively concentrated. In addition to the hot-selling Camry and RAV4, the problem of oil emulsification also exists in luxury brands, and most of the problems exposed by large volume are normal. However, it is somewhat unusual that the engine burns oil, the engine fault light is on, and the free clearance of the steering wheel is too large, and the engine burns oil. After all, the sales volume of the whole Shenlong car has not been high in recent years.

In addition to China Consumers Association, Sina Auto cooperated with to conduct a comprehensive analysis of product problems and complaints in the domestic automobile industry in 2020. Compared with the number of complaints about automobiles received by China Consumers Association, received more. In 2020, a total of 97,007 effective complaints about the quality and service of automobile products were accepted, which set a new record again, achieving a step-by-step growth for three consecutive years, up by 10.03% compared with 2019, involving more than 1,000 models of 194 domestic automobile brands.

The data shows that in 2020, the number of complaints against independent brands was the highest, compared with 38,871 cases in 2019, which directly rose to 43,131 cases in 2020, an increase of 11% year-on-year, accounting for 44.5% of the total complaints in 2020. However, it is still surprising that the Japanese rose to the second place. Compared with 10,186 cases in 2019, the year-on-year increase in 2020 was as high as 64.7% to 16,780 cases, surpassing the American Department, which ranked second last year.

In the three major market segments of cars, SUVs and MPVs, the number of complaints about SUVs reached another record, exceeding 40,000 for the first time, and the number of complaints increased by 17.4% compared with 2019. Among them, the number of complaints about medium-sized cars exceeded a record 10,000, up 55.3% year-on-year. Most of the complaints were concentrated in Japanese, American and German brands, with Japanese models being the most important.

In addition, complaints about the man-machine interconnection system broke out in a concentrated way. According to the data of Chezhi. com, the number and proportion of complaints about car body accessories and electrical appliances all achieved a historic breakthrough in 2020, and the number of complaints increased by 9 percentage points compared with 2019. In addition to "audio-visual system failure" and "vehicle interconnection failure", the problem of "abnormal car body noise" was in the forefront when it was selected for the first time in the TOP20 ranking, and most of the complaints came from some Japanese brand models.

It can be seen that the image of Japanese leather has changed in 2020, largely because of the concept of reducing costs and increasing efficiency in Japan. At present, the volume is not particularly large, especially compared with the data of millions of annual sales in China, which is negligible. However, in the short term, the problem seems to be very small, but in the long run, when the problems gradually increase, it will damage the image that you have worked hard for many years, whether it is Japanese or American, or any enterprise.