Recently, a shocking news spread all over the streets in a short time: our country’s famous actor and model Yang Ying actually appeared on the Crazy Horse show!

Once this incident was exposed, it spread like a flood and tsunami on various social platforms, causing heated discussions among netizens.

As the situation continued to escalate, Yang Ying’s comment section was also attacked by many netizens. Her behavior while watching "Crazy Horse Show" also aroused the dissatisfaction of many fans.

Angelababy’s past has also been deeply studied by netizens, and their opinions on her have been revisited and debated.

"Crazy Horse Show" baby watch controversy escalates

Since the revelation that her children watched "Crazy Horse", some of her fans have lost fans.

At the time, the popular new variety show "Let’s Go Now" was still being recorded, and protests from netizens followed. The comment section was filled with calls from Internet users to replace "specific links".

The situation is spiraling out of control. Not only has Baby’s variety show been boycotted, but two new dramas starring in "The Shadow Hunt" and "Acacia" are also said to have been greatly affected.

If these new dramas cannot be broadcast normally due to Yang Ying’s problems, the actors, Song Weilong, Wang Anyu and others will inevitably be implicated.

Some attentive netizens found that CCTV Sannong deleted the video of Yang Ying attending the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and Yang Ying was also suspected of being blocked by CCTV.

However, CCTV did not remove all content about Yang Ying. In 2020, Yang Ying’s Weibo report supporting Yunnan Xichou still exists.

As the controversy continued, many people or projects sided with Yang Ying. For example, Shen Yue, the "second generation of stars," posted a photo of herself and Yang Ying on Instagram, seemingly unafraid of criticism.

Not only Shen Yue, but the variety show "I Heard It’s Delicious" that Yang Ying participated in also used Yang Ying’s name to promote during the crisis.

It is worth noting that the program put Yang Ying’s name first, making it clear that Yang Ying’s celebrity status has not changed.

Yang Ying’s situation after returning to China

All signs so far suggest that Yang Ying is gradually disappearing "safely" from the spotlight. On October 1, Yang Ying returned home from Paris Fashion Week.

After the storm, Yang Ying’s debut naturally attracted a lot of attention. It is reported that on the day Yang Ying returned to China, there was a huge crowd at the scene. Beside him, the assistant not only picked up the box, but also a few "bodyguards" to protect and protect.

Yang Ying is wearing a cap and hugging the Pikachu doll, walking with her head down, looking very calm.

But there were many people around Yang Ying, so he was still recognized by the fans. Many fans who came to pick him up recognized Yang Ying from a distance. Yang Ying showed great modesty and lowered her head. Thank you to the fans.

Many netizens also chose what Yang Ying wore when she returned to China, saying it was already "simple". The hat was more than 200 yuan, and the sweatshirt was more than 1,000 yuan. This was completely different from her previous clothes, and it soon cost tens of thousands.

Ms. Yang, who returned peacefully to China and interacted closely with her fans, seemed unconcerned about the fallout from the "Crazy Horse Show" controversy.

At this time, some anti-Yang Ying fans stood up and angrily accused Yang Ying of "staying in France to watch striptease, why did you come back to embarrass yourself?"

Although Yang Ying did not come forward to comment directly on the Crazy Horse show incident, she issued a statement on social platforms expressing her position.

Yang Ying wisely chose to repost CCTV news on Weibo to celebrate the 74th anniversary of the founding of New China, with the caption: Beautiful mountains and rivers, prosperous China.

But just when people thought things would calm down, another online user discovered that there was something wrong with the accessories Yang Ying was wearing.

"Accessories" Suspected Cult

Although Yang Ying returned to China as if nothing had happened, keen netizens discovered something shocking again.

Jewelry Ms. Yang wore at the fashion week bore the logo "Eye of God," which is said to be a distinctive, cult-like symbol of a foreign organization called the Illuminati.

It is reported that the organization is quite popular abroad. The people who participate are either rich or noble, and they are all from the upper echelons of society. "God’s Eye" also stands for the Eye of Strength. Joining this organization will help you get better resources in the circle.

In foreign countries, some celebrities wear similar rings on their hands to deliberately demonstrate their fame and nobility.

In the photo taken by foreign media, Yang Ying is wearing a ring with the "Eye of Power" on her hand. In the photo released by Yang Ying’s studio, the ring has the "Eye of God" on it. "But it has been deleted.

Apparently, Yang Ying should know the meaning of "God’s Eye", but Yang Ying, who had previously occupied a popular search position on multiple platforms, suddenly stopped moving, and netizens questioned Yang Ying’s usage. Money suppressed popular searches.

Still unwilling netizens began to expose Yang Ying’s dark history.

Forcing Li Feier to "sit in the position of junior three"

The netizens felt that it was a little hasty to end the Crazy Horse show like this, so they dug out all the black information about Yang Ying in the past, including the "little three" who was so noisy at that time.

When Yang Ying and Huang Xiaoming got married, it was an unprecedented event. It was said that Huang Xiaoming’s wedding cost over 100 million yuan, but the two eventually broke up. Before the two got married, Yang Ying was labeled "little San" by netizens, who accused him of forcing Li Feier away. But is the truth really what netizens say?

Some netizens revealed that after the premiere of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 2", Huang Xiaoming and Li Feier attended the event together for the first time in ten years, which was also called the biggest selling point of the drama by netizens.

During the recording of the show, Li Feier frequently interacted with "ex-boyfriend" Huang Xiaoming, and once called him "Brother Xiaoming", which also caused an uproar in the audience.

After the hype, topics such as "Huang Xiaoming, Li Feier’s remarriage" also attracted people’s attention. When it comes to Li Feier, people can’t help but think of Yang Ying, who trusts "Xiao San’s succession".

At the time, many people also doubted whether she was involved in Huang Xiaoming’s relationship with Li Feier. After Yang Ying heard the news, she quickly responded on social platforms. This step also became a popular pursuit at the time.

Ten years later, Yang Ying suddenly spoke out, claiming that Huang Xiaoming’s ex-girlfriend Li Feier had given herself an unwarranted and mean title in a magazine: "Xiao San".

In the article published by Yang Ying, she solemnly stated that she immediately asked Mr. Huang after the incident, but Mr. Huang said they had broken up.

Obviously, the person who should come forward to explain the reason for this is Huang Xiaoming.

The statement also provided people at the time with a lot of insider information about the marriage. In the statement, Yang Ying not only called Huang Xiaoming by his first name, but also called him Mr. Huang Xiaoming. Huang, indicating that the relationship between the two had already broken down at that time.

The article claims that the burden on his shoulders is too heavy and he no longer wants to help others bear the burden, which also shows Huang Xiaoming’s irresponsibility from the outside.

Then Huang Xiaoming also reacted, but what he never expected was that Huang Xiaoming’s reaction was very strange.

Although Yang Ying has been outspoken about her emotions, it is shocking that Huang Xiaoming used the first half of the statement to promote the show, first promoting his wife, and then comforting and clarifying his wife.

In his statement, Mr. Huang simply said that the baby was not a mistress, but did not mention the name of his predecessor, Li Fei’er, a practice that even most internet users would not tolerate.

After all, the baby was still his wife and the mother of Xiao Sponge at that time, but Huang Xiaoming put Yang Ying’s emotions and reputation on the last sentence, which was really unreasonable.

In an interview not long ago, Li Feier said that she broke up with Huang Xiaoming because of Yang Ying’s intervention.

He also posted a text message with Huang Xiaoming: When will you reply to me? What I need is a considerate boyfriend, not a sexually significant other. It is precisely because of this incident that the baby was given the title of "little three" and is still ridiculed.

Some people said that Huang Xiaoming’s marriage with Baobao was a farce, and it was revealed that they were together for a real show, just to make people popular for commercial purposes. Now it seems like nothing.

However, today’s "Crazy Horse Show" has brought Yang Ying back to the forefront of the trend after many years. Although Crazy Horse Show is common abroad, it is indeed banned in our country.

On March 1, 2021, the China Performance Industry Association was unable to issue the "Measures for the Self-discipline Management of Performing Artists in the Performance Industry". Article 8, the fourth point of which clearly stipulates: Artists shall not organize, participate in or promote obscene, pornographic and other illegal activities, including domestic and foreign activities.

When asked whether Yang Ying violated this rule, netizens gave clear answers, and some extremists even called for Yang Ying and another star to be banned from participating in the Crazy Horse show.

Yang Ying’s attendance at the Crazy Horse Show undoubtedly had a significant negative impact on society, especially on minors.

But in fact, Yang Ying has strongly expressed her patriotic stance on many important occasions. It is the positive energy and positive energy she exudes that has attracted a large number of loyal fans to her.

Speaking of which, Yang Ying’s "Crazy Horse Show" incident does have negative consequences, but linking it to a cult is a bit far-fetched.

I also hope that Yang Ying, as an idol, can be cautious in her words and deeds in the future, live up to the public’s expectations, and become a positive energy idol worthy of fans’ pursuit.

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