Wang Sicong Weibo scolded "One Step Away"


    1905 movie network news On the evening of December 25, Wang Sicong posted two Weibo curses in a row, and bluntly said, "I’m too lazy to comment on your movie, so hurry up and don’t insult the audience." Previously, Wang Sicong was angry because Wang Sicong said that "One Step Away" was not good-looking, and both the producer of the film and Hong Huang satirized Wang Sicong as an "upstart".


    On the afternoon of December 25, Wang Sicong posted on Weibo: "Students who haven’t seen" One Step Away ", congratulations… you escaped this disaster." Later, Di Di, one of the producers of "One Step Away" and the general manager of production and strategic development of Sony Pictures China, called Wang Sicong "an upstart" in an interview. "They can understand it, but it’s just too uncomfortable to read it."


    Immediately after, Hong Huang also posted a Weibo satirizing Wang Sicong as the prototype of Wuqi, "I heard that a certain young master scolded @One Step Away IMAX3D, so funny, Wuqi prototype. Wanda invested in the movie, he scolded! In the movie, Wu Dashuai wanted to build a military academy, and Wu Qi scolded." One Step Away IMAX3D "The official Weibo also posted a picture of Wang Sicong’s photo in the movie poster, writing" Sicong as Wuqi ", but it was later deleted.

"One Step Away" official micro-issue ps poster counterattack


    After Wang Sicong saw it, he sent two Weibo posts in a row to counterattack, "These days, rich people can’t even like a movie." "I’m too lazy to comment on your movie, so hurry up and don’t insult the audience." "I suggest that the producer add a line before the movie screening: ‘This movie does not accept any bad reviews’."


    It is well known that Wang Sicong and Lin Xinxin have a good relationship. Lin Xinxin had forwarded Wang Sicong’s Weibo on the same day and added, "Can Wanda Studios arrange more’Wise Tiger Mountain ‘? Or only’Wise Tiger Mountain’." Many netizens joked that Wang Sicong’s bombardment of "One Step Away" was to support Lin Xinxin’s starring role.