On May 28th, the first day of the Shenzhen Auto Show.

In the afternoon, at the "Future Automotive Innovation and Integration Pioneer Dialogue" conference held by the official auto show, there was perhaps the most intriguing scene of this auto show:

"If it was at the Auto Hundred, Lao Yu said this, it is estimated that there will be a lot of shoes thrown up below; just now Lao Yu said this above, I also want to throw a shoe up".

This sentence comes from He Xiaopeng, "Lao Yu", and Yu Chengdong.


He Xiaopeng said that he wanted to throw Yu Chengdong’s shoes "in this way", referring to Yu Chengdong’s "flag" many times during his speech, or diss traditional car companies, suppliers, etc. Very exciting speeches, such as "The M7 will completely surpass the million-dollar luxury cars such as Toyota Elfa and Lexus LM".

In fact, He Xiaopeng’s speech this afternoon did not go anywhere. It was also a roar of artillery fire. Traditional car companies, new car companies, and autonomous driving technology companies were all within his firepower.

Auto shows look at cars, but auto shows are more than just cars. Today, let’s take a look at how two bosses in the field of smart cars can portray the competition trend in the new automotive era in words.

This is Yu Chengdong’s core assessment of the Q-Realm M7, which will debut in June and be delivered in July.

He said that the goal of the M5 project is to benchmark the million-dollar luxury car, and when it comes to the M7, it will naturally become "Beyond the million-dollar luxury car".

Are there any specific competitors? Yes.Toyota Elfa, Lexus LM

These two almost dominate the market of million-plus luxury MPVs, so AITO can be said to be very confident – but wait, these two seem to be MPVs?

Yu Chengdong explained that the comfort of the M7 as an SUV will exceed that of all luxury SUVs in the million-class and luxury MPVs. And the positioning of the M7 will not be a large SUV, "Its exterior is very compact, the interior space is very large, it is a large 6-seat SUV, very comfortable".

How comfortable is it? His original words were "We have many new features, making it the first in the world that allows leaders and bosses to rest comfortably, even surpassing all luxury SUVs and MPVs."

In addition, Yu Chengdong also officially announced the IPO time of the M5 pure electric version: in September, "strive to let everyone drive this car during the National Day".

In addition to preheating the M7 and promoting the M5, Yu Chengdong also talked about a lot of stories related to the Q & A industry and the smart car industry.

First of all, he said that his M5 has been driving in Shenzhen for so long "without refueling once" because both the company and home can charge it. But after returning more than 1,400 kilometers from his hometown during the Chinese New Year, he said that the M5 runs farther than all pure electric cars, "because I can refuel."

Speaking of it, Yu Chengdong stressed that "eating alone" is definitely not the concept of entering the automotive industry. "If it were this concept, we would not have been crippled by the United States, and we would have been crippled by others. Back then, chip makers believed too much in the global division of labor, but there is no regret medicine in the world."

Secondly, talking about HUAWEI Inside and Smart Choice, Yu Chengdong said that neither of these are "made cars".

Ask the world M5


However, compared with HI, Smart Choice belongs to a deeper cooperation. From the exterior design, interior design, smart cockpit, electric drive system, and even sales, Smart Choice partners can cooperate with each other.

When talking about "cooperation", Yu Chengdong mentioned that he once drove a car made by his partner. After driving"There are 10,000 alpacas running in my heart, and I want to scold people. It’s a stupid design."So who’s the partner here?

Finally, regarding smart cars, Yu Chengdong believes that eventually, like mobile phones, most traditional car companies will die, and a number of new car companies will rise, even if many people can’t imagine this day.



"Just like who would have thought that Nokia, whose revenue and profit are equivalent to the sum of the last few, would actually disappear rapidly."

As for the reasons for driving the wave, Yu Chengdong mentioned a point: the current research and development expenses of new car companies (and) engine transmissions are not a big part, and software is an important part of the research and development expenses.

There are 10,000 ways to interpret the shoe that He Xiaopeng wanted to throw to Yu Chengdong, but what remains unchanged is that he did say this sentence, and the content of this sentence is indeed "I want to throw shoes to Yu Chengdong".


By the way, He Xiaopeng was throwing shoes at almost the entire audience.

For example, throw it at the self-driving technology companies.

He Xiaopeng said he has always believed that L2 to L4 is a gradual process. He made an analogy:"A lot of L4 companies today can make a video that looks cool. By the second year, you will find that it is still the same, and the next year it will be the same."

He believes that one of the major prerequisites for achieving autonomous driving should actually be "full scenario".

And on the way to realizing the full scene, it is equivalent to completing the gradual transition from L2 to L4:"Can you drive on several roads in the city? Can you drive throughout the city? Can you drive in the suburbs? Can you drive overseas across the city, across China?"

In addition to no geographical restrictions, He Xiaopeng also firmly stated that true autonomous driving should have no environmental restrictions. like"There is no GPS, no signal, and it can be driven on glaciers and snow. It must be driven in the whole area to be autonomous."



In addition to the level of autonomous driving, He Xiaopeng feels that many autonomous driving companies ignore safety.

He said that car safety is designed in terms of one serious accident per 10-to-the-fifth hour, and then "killing people" very peacefully: "If you’ve ever driven a car, 10-to-the-fifth is not enough, because the driver is out of control, and the roads change every day."

For example, throwing it to the pit you have stepped on in the past.

He Xiaopeng mentioned that he was "pitted" by public opinion at that time: When Xiaopeng was first established, many people said "Xiaopeng, when will you be able to 100,000 (cumulative) ".

He said that at that time, he thought that after accumulating 100,000 cars, it proved that the car company had a good scale and capability. But after he really did it, he found that 100,000 cars were just one of the small milestones, "just a pass."


One last number: 30 billion.

He Xiaopeng said that when he said he wanted to build a car and sell it, he needed at least 20 billion funds. Now, Xiaopeng has started to go to sea, and he said that going to sea requires at least additional 30 billion.

In other words, XPeng Motors needs a total of 50 billion to complete He Xiaopeng’s dream of internationalization.

Do you think it’s too much?

A few decades or two ago, the atmosphere in the automotive industry was not like this.

Many people have seen the video of BMW spoof Zetsche’s retirement. After Zetsche went home in an S-Class, he excitedly drove a BMW out on the street – this is already the most intense "diss" in the traditional automotive industry, not even diss.

When comparing the level of advertising copy, it is a very different way of "arguing" in the automotive industry in the past, compared to "losing shoes" at every turn today.

Why? Because the order has not yet stabilized, because the tables are being shuffled, it is not known which player will be eliminated, and there is no bookmaker like Toyota Volkswagen BBA. It is also because the new era of automobiles is social and labeled.

Therefore, it must be a topic, must be popular, and must compare others; therefore, it must be contentious, not to lose, let alone lose.

In a sense, it also represents the contention of a hundred schools of thought.

The author of this article: Yufei, source:Electric Planet News (ID: glxsl2017), the original title: "Yu Chengdong said that he asked the world M7 to hit the million-level, He Xiaopeng wanted to throw shoes after listening to it"

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