I. Development background

In order to strengthen the management of high-precision maps, standardize the use of high-precision maps, promote the development of intelligent networked vehicles, and maintain geographical information security, these regulations are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Surveying and Mapping Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Map Management Regulations, the Ministry of Natural Resources Notice on Promoting the Development and Maintenance of Intelligent Networked Vehicles, and the Hangzhou Measures for the Administration of Intelligent Networked Vehicles Testing and Application, and in light of the actual situation of this city.

II. Policy basis

1. Surveying and Mapping Law of the People’s Republic of China (Revised on April 27, 2017)

2. Map Management Regulations (implemented on January 1, 2016)

3. Ministry of Natural Resources "Notice on Promoting the Development of Intelligent Connected Vehicles and Maintaining the Security of Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information" (Natural Resources Regulation [2022] No. 1, issued on August 25, 2022)

4. Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government General Office "Hangzhou Intelligent Networked Vehicle Testing and Application Management Measures" (Hangzheng Handan Letter [2023] No. 32, issued on April 4, 2023)

III. Main content

The "Regulations" consist of 12 articles, including provisions on the scope of application, working principles, basic conditions, technical standards, confidentiality treatment, approval processes, and supervision mechanisms. The main contents are as follows:

1. Scope of application. It is applicable to the data collection, storage, transmission, processing, production and use of intelligent networked vehicle high-precision maps (hereinafter referred to as "high-precision maps") within the administrative area of Hangzhou.

2. Working principles. The management of high-precision maps follows the principles of law and regulation, full-process monitoring, equal emphasis on management and services, and safety and control, and implements classification and grading management.

3. Basic conditions. Units engaged in the production of high-precision maps shall obtain corresponding surveying and mapping qualifications in accordance with the law, or entrust units with corresponding surveying and mapping qualifications to carry out corresponding surveying and mapping activities.

4. Technical standards. The production of high-precision maps shall comply with the technical standards of Zhejiang Province’s local standard "Intelligent Networked Vehicles, Road Basic Geographic Data Specification" (DB33/T 2391-2021), follow relevant regulations, and standardize the production and expression of data collection and map elements.

5. Confidentiality treatment. High-precision maps shall be treated with state-recognized geographical information confidentiality technology.

6. Approval process. The "Regulations" clarify that high-precision maps should be submitted to the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Natural Resources for map review through the Zhejiang Government Service Network (map approval) before they are publicly used or delivered for application, and the map review number should be obtained according to law.

7. Supervision mechanism. The "Regulations" clarify that the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, through the Hangzhou Intelligent Connected Vehicle Data Application Safety Monitoring Platform, obtains relevant information on the use of high-precision maps in intelligent connected vehicle testing and application activities, and organizes and conducts high-precision map application pilot supervision and inspection work in conjunction with relevant departments in accordance with the law, strengthens process supervision and on-site inspections, and timely handles and supervises rectification of discovered problems.

IV. Key word explanation

The term high-precision map as mentioned in these Provisions refers to an electronic map mainly used for assisting the driving of intelligent connected vehicles with high position accuracy.

High-precision maps mainly include maps of L4 and above autonomous driving systems and maps of L3 and below autonomous driving systems.

V. Precautions

These regulations shall come into force 30 days after the date of promulgation.

Interpretation authority, interpreter and contact information

Interpretation authority: Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources

Interpreters: Li Jie, Ye Zhixuan

Policy consultation phone: 85254821, 85254813