It’s film slices.

Or a landscape skit?

The first season is free

Classics and connotations fly together

Brain burning is greater than funny

At 5:00 pm on June 2, the first short play "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" of "Xingye" Zhou Xingchi 9527 Theater was launched in Douyin. In addition to the regular process of announcing the launch photos, finishing publicity, investment promotion and release trailers, the short play also adopted the gameplay of the film and television industry: one episode per week was serialized and the whole episode was free. The first season had a total of 12 episodes, each episode lasting about 5 minutes.

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Not only that, "Golden Pig Jade Leaf" also has an offline screening mode.

(Photo from the scene)

The skit started on April 12 and finished on April 24. As early as January 29, the skit study room had released the official announcement information of Zhou Xingchi’s entry into the skit. According to the photos of the opening scene, the producers of this skit are "Xingye" Zhou Xingchi and Chen Duye (the head of Douyin’s entertainment business).

(Live boot photo)

However, the trailer for the 9527 theater’s "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" shows only Zhou Xingchi.

(Screenshot of trailer)

"Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" is the first short play of the 9527 Theater. The whole play adopts the form of film photography art team and horizontal screen shooting, and is supervised by Yi Xiaoxing.

The male protagonist of this short drama, Shi Yuanting, has starred in Wang Hu in "Northeast Transfer", as well as the online drama "Conspiracy" and "Super Teacher"; the female protagonist Xia Ruoyan, who has starred in "Cambrian" "Fighting the Sky" and other works, is also known as "Little Zhong Chuhong"; in addition, the comedian Xu Zhisheng plays the colleague of the heroine, this character utters many "shocking words" in the play, which is called "mouth for" by many audiences.

(Left, Xia Ruoyan; right, Zhong Chuhong)

As of press time, the first episode of "Golden Pig Jade Leaf" has reached 5.268 million and is still growing.

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When the first season of publicity was in full swing, according to public information, the investment promotion of the second season of "Golden Pig Jade Leaf" had already been sold on February 28, the price was 8 million, and the heroine Chen Yanxi (to be invited) was expected to be launched in June-July (according to the current progress, it is estimated that it will be postponed).

So, how did Stephen Chow’s first skit perform? Let’s find out now.

The much-anticipated skit is finally online

The short play is set in a realistic romance scam.

The opening of the play uses the most familiar WeChat chat scene to attract attention, allowing everyone to quickly enter the play, and then adopts a multi-line narrative method, one side is the memory romance scam, and the other side is the live broadcast of pig killing in reality, which easily brings out the protagonist Zhu Hao, the prince of pig meat, and the heroine Ye Xiaoanise.

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3 Tributes from the First Episode

Tribute 1: The Prince of Pork

Prince of Pig Meat is a character in Zhou Xingchi’s "Domestic Lingling Paint". In "Domestic Lingling Paint", Ah Qi played by Xing Ye was collected for debt. He used pork to repay the debt. The friend of the supporting actress wanted someone to cut the pork guy. The supporting actress just showed an intoxicated smile and said the classic line:

"Forget it, no matter what, he is always the unique and personable prince of pork in my heart"

(Left "Domestic Lingling Paint"; right "Golden Pig Jade Leaf")

Tribute 2: You are still far from it

This line is the classic line of the protagonist Echizen Ryoma in the anime "Tennis Prince". Every time he encounters an opponent or motivates himself, the protagonist always says this line with a dragging expression and tone:

The pinch of the motor~

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Tribute 3: Tit for Tat, Double for Tat

This line comes from the Japanese drama "Hanzawa Naoki", which sets the bank’s tradition that the credit of the subordinate belongs to the boss, and the subordinate bears the fault of the boss. The male protagonist uttered this classic line when he was treated unfairly in the workplace.

In "Golden Pig Jade Leaf," the heroine says this line in Japanese when she fights back against Kimura.

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Have you seen these three tributes? What other tributes do you see? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss~

2. Movie texture but too many elements?

The production quality of this drama is not inferior to that of the movie

"This rhythm, this texture, are you sure it’s not a movie?"

"This rhythm, this texture, are you sure it’s not a movie? This is the charm of the King of Comedy."

"The show is very artistic."

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While some viewers are amazed by the quality of the play, others are eager to find the plot.

Some of the memes in the play are full of content and keep up with current events:

Sam, Kimura, Warwick, Little Boy, Chubby, Wastewater…

(Related screenshots)

But there are also some viewers who say that the drama is too dense and has a stacking feeling.

"It feels like it’s just a bunch of internet stalks piled up, and the plot is not very attractive. Let’s see how it goes."

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It is worth mentioning that the heroine’s sister is called Fang Xiaoanise, and the heroine is called Fang Xiaolai. The heroine’s voice is Taiwanese, and the phone ringing on the conference room phone is Frog…

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3. Comparison of "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" with other works

① "Golden Pig Jade Leaf" VS Xingye’s previous works

Compared with Lord Xing’s previous works, this new work seemed to have less "starry flavor". It was nonsensical at first, and it was more in the style of a drama. At present, the plot of the first episode is still relatively serious.

Some viewers expressed doubts about this and felt that there was no shadow of Xingye:

"Does this show have the shadow of Lord Xing?"

"Does this have anything to do with Lord Xing? I don’t understand the shot."

(Related screenshots)

Some viewers also expressed their understanding of this:

"… It feels different from the nonsense style that existed in the past, and now it feels more like adding nonsense style to some social limelight issues…"

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② "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" VS Wang Jing Short Play

Wang Jing’s "Billions of Silly Princes" starts with a typical short play: Dabie + beautiful woman…

Although the follow-up rhythm is also long drama rhythm, but the overall still added a lot of short drama reversal, stem and cool point.

Judging from the first episode of "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf", this drama is more like a movie and a long drama in terms of texture and rhythm: there is no boss, there is no cooler point, and the burden is shaken one after another…

③ "Golden Pig Jade Leaf" VS Horizontal Screen Film and Television Works

The pace of most long dramas is relatively slow, and the overall style is more serious; the first episode of "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" is more than 6 minutes long, including more than one point of the title, the overall content is relatively dense, and the pace is faster than that of ordinary long dramas, but overall, the similarity between the two is still relatively high.

Episode 1 Audience feedback is polarized

1. Good or bad?

The comment area of the first episode quickly fell. In just a few hours, there were 5,000 + comments, and the comment area was divided into two levels. Optimistic audiences said that the drama’s texture was not inferior to the movie, it had connotation, and it was well shot:

"Not bad, it looks good, the texture is very good, and the upper theater is fine."

"The first episode was shot very well, the background of the story was clearly explained, the rhythm and plot advanced quickly, Xu Zhisheng MVP of this episode"

"It looks much better than those tyrants. The short drama also shows the movie feeling"

"It’s much better than a saliva drama skit, not long-winded"

"It’s a good shot, all kinds of connotations, love to watch, shoot more"

"The depth of irony is interesting"

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And another part of the audience who are not optimistic about it feels that they don’t have the feeling of Xingye, have stems but no laughs, and are not down to earth:

"I forced myself to finish reading it, I really can’t hold on anymore, I can only stay at one minute and 05 seconds"

"It has nothing to do with Zhou Xingchi’s nonsense, it’s because of Zhou Xingchi’s three words"

"Pompous and artificial, not grounded, I can’t find any angle to appreciate this thing, what I have to say is quite rich and the picture is quite exquisite"

"No, you don’t understand the pain point of the skit?"

"Connotation is connotation, but there is no joke, and it cannot give the audience emotional value"

"To be honest, I really don’t feel anything."

"After reading this, I feel like I’ve been scammed too"

"Read it hard with feelings"

"Bad, disappointed"

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Was Stephen Chow’s skit a success or a hit?

1. Star and his nonsense comedy

When it comes to "Lord Xing" Zhou Xingchi, his glorious history is inevitable:

"Truant Dragon", "Tang Bohu Dot Autumn Fragrance", "God of Cookery", "King of Destruction", "Domestic Lingling Paint", "Internal Agent Zero Hair", "King of Comedy", "Journey to the West", "The Great Sage Married", "Journey to the West", "Moonlight Treasure Box", "Kung Fu", "Jiupin Zhima Guan", "No. 7 Yangtze River", "Shaolin Football"…

You may not remember "Kung Fu", but you must remember: "Chartered woman, why is there no water" famous scene; you may not remember "Journey to the West: Moonlight Treasure Box", but you must remember the confession: "If God can give me a chance to do it again, I will say three words to you, ‘I love you’. If I have to add a deadline to this love, I hope it is 10,000 years!"; You may not remember "Yangtze River No. 7", but you must not forget the alien dog Qizai…

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However, his works were not limited to being funny, but showed the wisdom and pursuit of the little people through comedy, reflecting social reality. For example, Xing’s insistence in Shaolin Football, and the accusation of official protection in Nine-Grade Sesame Official…

At first glance, I called it funny, but then I felt emotional.

There is another big feature of Xing Ye’s skits, which is to pay tribute. Xing Ye’s favorite tribute is undoubtedly Bruce Lee. In addition, whether it is popular, unpopular, foreign or domestic works, Xing Ye has paid tribute; finding "tribute Easter eggs" in Xing Ye’s works has also become a fun thing for fans.

2. A grand carnival

"Golden Pig Jade Leaf" from the official announcement of Xingye to establish the 9527 theater – "Golden Pig Jade Leaf" starts – finishes – investment promotion – release notice – the whole process of going online is undoubtedly from head to toe. Every time Xingye’s movements are tracked and reported by countless media, it can be said to be a well-deserved top.

But according to the feedback from the audience, the most praised thing is undoubtedly that the texture of this short drama is comparable to that of a movie, which shows that the first episode of Xingye wants to output a short drama like a movie, not just a short drama of Tyrant. This goal is achieved.

Compared to Wang Jing’s "Silent" skit, Zhou Xingchi’s "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" can be said to be a big deal; a large part of the audience came to watch "Lord Xing", or to see the nonsense style of Lord Xing’s works.

And "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" just doesn’t look very "Star Lord", and relatively speaking, the rhythm is not so "short play", which makes the audience with great expectations feel disappointed and disappointed.