Provide services more accurately and quickly

  The relevant functions continue to expand and expand

  The supporting design is becoming more and more reasonable and perfect

  Du Yang, All Media Reporter of Rule of Law Daily

  "I had a legal dispute with the original unit due to a labor dispute. I wanted to ask a friend to introduce a lawyer to help, but I didn’t expect him to push the’Qingdao Rule of Law Resource Map ‘to me." Xiao Wang, who used to work for an electronic technology company in Qingdao, Shandong Province, told the "Rule of Law Daily" reporter that the rule of law map not only recommended several surrounding law firms, but also listed the mobile phone number and area of expertise of each lawyer in the law firm clearly, making it very fast and convenient to connect.

  "In recent years, the rapid development of public legal services has provided more convenience to meet the needs of the masses. However, in the face of complex online information, it is sometimes difficult for the masses to accurately and effectively select the appropriate legal service institutions, which greatly reduces the service efficiency." Liu Jingkun, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, told reporters that the launch of the rule of law map is a supply-side reform in the field of public legal services, which helps to systematically integrate local legal service resources and form a "half-hour legal service circle", which is of great significance for improving the quality and efficiency of public legal services.

  At present, judicial administrative organs in Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong and other places have innovatively launched the rule of law map, taking it as an important breakthrough point to improve the convenience of public legal services, making continuous efforts in the breadth and depth of public legal services, and striving to bring more convenient and efficient public legal services to the masses.

  What conveniences can the rule of law map bring to the masses? What new functions have been added to the rule of law map in various places? The reporter interviewed many judicial administrative organs and experts and scholars in this regard.

  Precise and fast service for the people

  If you could comment on the merits of the rule of law map in one sentence, what would it be?

  That is, according to Lai Jingpei, director of the Public Legal Service Management Department of the Judicial Bureau of Xiamen City, Fujian Province – the rule of law map has narrowed the distance between the masses and the "law".

  Lai Jingpei introduced that Xiamen has recently upgraded and launched version 2.0 of the rule of law map, which brings together a total of 14 types of 2438 public legal service points such as the Municipal Judicial Bureau, Public Legal Service Center, and Notary Office, covering lawyers, notaries, judicial identification, mediation, legal aid, legal advice, and village legal advisors.

  "The information of the institutions covered is updated in a more timely manner, the service functions are more extensive, and the service methods are more accurate and efficient, so that legal services are’within reach ‘." Lai Jingpei said, "Through the’online’ map guide, the people who work for the service are accurately’navigated ‘to the legal service agency handling point;’ offline ‘provides accurate services, point-to-point help ordinary people solve problems, so that legal services can break through the time and space restrictions and open up the’last mile’ of serving citizens."

  The first municipal-level mobile end-to-scene legal service platform in the province, "Qingdao Rule of Law Resource Map", built by the Qingdao Judicial Bureau of Shandong Province, was officially launched in June this year. The platform has now entered 847 legal service institutions and 7,551 legal service personnel.

  According to Wan Zhendong, director of the Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Justice, the bureau relied on 12348 Shandong Legal Network to build a PC-side online public legal service platform in 2017. The upgraded map platform has realized the user group from the computer desktop to the mobile end with higher convenience and wider coverage.

  "The new map platform intelligently analyzes and pushes information on legal service institutions according to citizens’ legal service needs and location information, and provides more convenient and fast’just a click away ‘and’legal services at your fingertips’." Wan Zhendong said.

  Liu Jingkun told reporters that the rule of law map provides a practical possibility for the masses to quickly retrieve various types of public legal services. By browsing the information of relevant legal service institutions online, the masses can conduct preliminary comparison and analysis, and then choose the appropriate legal service institutions to achieve true accuracy and speed.

  Service functions continue to expand

  "Thank you so much!" On April 15 this year, a happy Lan came to the Xiamen Legal Aid Center and gave the banner to the lawyer who had helped her.

  Lanmou used to be the confinement sister-in-law of a confinement club in Xiamen. In March 2020, the service object received by Lanmou requested a refund because he was not satisfied with the many services of the confinement club, so the club deducted Lanmou’s monthly salary of more than 8,000 yuan. After half a year, Lanmou asked the club for salary many times, but the club ignored it.

  Lan found the Xiamen Legal Aid Center on the rule of law map with a try-and-see mentality. After understanding the situation, the legal aid lawyer appointed by the center found that the club not only owed wages, but also had problems such as not signing an employment contract and not paying medical insurance and social security… In January 2021, the Xiamen Labor and Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission heard the case and supported all the arbitration claims made by the legal aid lawyer. The ruling club paid Lan more than 31,000 yuan according to law. The club refused to accept it and filed a lawsuit. After the judge mediated, Lan received more than 21,000 yuan, far exceeding his psychological expectations.

  "This case happened before the map was upgraded. At that time, online consultation and reservation functions were not provided. Some people did not find the right way offline due to the lack of online consultation understanding. Based on the feedback from the people, we continue to optimize and upgrade the service." Lai Jingpei said.

  In order to allow more people to enjoy more accurate and inclusive online legal services without leaving home, Qingdao Rule of Law Map provides personalized service links for different client bases. For example, the Hui Enterprise Law Firm module is an innovative measure for the government to purchase legal services to supervise the implementation of the Hui Enterprise policy. Enterprises can consult lawyers online about policies and laws through the module.

  Administrative reconsideration application, legal aid application, video notarization of wills, online notarization, legal consultation… In 2020, in order to meet the public legal service needs of citizens during the epidemic prevention and control period, the rule of law map developed by the Shenzhen Judicial Bureau of Guangdong Province has added a number of public legal business "face-to-face" online processing functions, and citizens can enjoy public legal services without leaving home.

  As its capabilities continue to expand, the Rule of Law Map has become a new option for more and more people seeking legal services.

  Perfect matching and reasonable setting points

  In addition to the "online" rule of law map, on July 2 this year, Shenzhen, Guangdong launched a paper version of the "Shenzhen Public Legal Service Atlas (2021) ". The atlas contains more than 700 public legal service entity platforms in Shenzhen, 12 legal aid institutions, major notary institutions and their processing points, more than 1,000 law firms, more than 800 people’s mediation organizations, and 27 judicial appraisal institutions in the form of a full picture. Basic information.

  "The purpose of launching the paper version of the rule of law map is to do everything possible to bring legal services to the doorstep of ordinary people and to the scene where public legal services are most needed, so that the masses can really feel that public legal services are around," said Cao Hailei, a member of the party committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Justice and secretary of the party committee of the city’s lawyer industry.

  The validity and completeness of the rule of law map information are crucial.

  "The name, address, contact information and other information of the legal service organization displayed on the rule of law map should be accurate, to avoid distortion and misleading information, and to dynamically update with the increase, decrease and change of the legal service organization." Liu Jingkun said.

  With the increasing number of legal service institutions in the rule of law map, the judicial administrative organs, as the main body of supervision, how to implement appropriate and effective supervision for the resident institutions of the social business operation of the Non-governmental organization nature is an issue that cannot be ignored in promoting the development of the rule of law map.

  Lai Jingpei told reporters that the Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Justice has taken corresponding measures, such as establishing a public welfare legal service incentive and guarantee mechanism, commending and rewarding institutions and personnel who actively participate in public legal services; strengthening the supervision of legal service order, studying and formulating business norms, service effects and social evaluation indicators; conducting mass satisfaction assessments to test the effectiveness of work with mass satisfaction.

  The rule of law map should be "good-looking", and legal service institutions should be "easy to find".

  "Offline and online legal services are equally important and cannot be ignored. Offline legal service institutions are always the foundation of public legal services." Liu Jingkun suggested that the new legal service institutions should work hard on scientific location selection to further improve the recognition and convenience, and bring a better service experience to the masses.