[Global Network Intelligent Evaluation, Zhang Yida] The hottest product in 2018 must be the smart speaker. This landing product spawned by the powerful AI ability has attracted too much attention, but among these many players, Baidu undoubtedly carried the flag of the leader. On June 11, Baidu released a small smart speaker of its own brand. Not only did it invite Cai Kangyong, who is famous for his "high emotional intelligence and can speak", to be the spokesperson. The first early-bird price is as low as 89 yuan. The editor has smelled the smell of gunpowder, and it seems that the competition in this field will be upgraded again.

The editor also got this latest speaker, which focuses on good sound quality and unique children’s mode and geek mode. What’s the difference between this smart speaker? Does it make consumers want to buy it? Today, I will bring netizens the experience evaluation of this small smart speaker.


In this age where beauty is justice, whether the appearance looks good or not will directly determine the fate of the product. The white outer packaging box of the Xiaodu smart speaker is printed with the image of a cute Xiaodu robot, which looks very playful and cute. After opening, the speaker is cylindrical as a whole, with a round feel and is very small. It can be held with one hand. The main body is milky white, and the top and lower parts are wrapped in a gray fabric mask. The top is the physical button for playback, mute, and volume control, and the middle is a bear’s paw-shaped breathing light, which is extremely simple in design.


Although it is very small, the small smart speaker has not shrunk in hardware. The ARM Cortex A53 quad-core processor has low power consumption and high integration, which can better handle automatic speech recognition and respond to voice commands. The high-sensitivity ring microphone design, with active noise reduction, beamforming and far and near field pickup technology, is easy to Keyword Spotting within 5 meters. The sound system is equipped with a 1.75-inch high-sensitivity full-frequency neodymium iron internal magnetic speaker with a rated impedance of 6 ohms and a maximum output power of more than 5W. With a new acoustic wave reflection cone design, it can achieve a 360 ° hearing experience without dead ends. In addition to supporting WiFi, it also supports Bluetooth V4.2 Bluetooth protocol, which can not only achieve network interaction with small speakers, but also play mobile phone content directly through mobile phone Bluetooth.

The most commendable aspect of the hardware is the sound quality of the small smart speaker, because of the use of a neodymium iron internal magnetic speaker, which has high sensitivity, low distortion, and a very round and pleasant sound.

interactive experience

Turn on the power supply, Xiaodu smart speaker starts, follow the instructions to download the APP to connect to the network, and call Xiaodu Xiaodu to start the intelligent experience. Xiaodu’s intelligence comes from the Baidu conversational artificial intelligence operating system DuerOS, which is equipped with the basic voice interaction such as listening to songs, timing, and Q & A. There are already too many such products, and the editor will not elaborate. The unique charm of DuerOS lies in its support of 400 + life skills, which basically covers most of the daily life scenarios and can become your daily life assistant. On the other hand, the current smart speaker’s greatest advantage lies in its rich content, which is precisely Baidu’s greatest advantage. Encyclopedia, know, koala, nut shell, cross talk, and various open classes are rich enough for you to learn with your ears.

However, there is a commendable small function. In addition to recording the communication process between you and the small smart speaker, the conversation option can customize the password. You can set the specified question language, and then set the specified answer or response command for the small degree. This small function can create some warm scenes for children or family members, and create some small romance between couples, which is very interesting.

child mode

In fact, in the small series of exchanges with many people, we feel that the smart speaker product category is now more gimmicky than practical, most of the functions are not used much, or from text Baidu to voice requires an adaptation process, and there are also many searches that voice interaction cannot meet the needs. The small series believes that the reason for this feeling is that although artificial intelligence has made great progress, the degree of development has not yet achieved the level of intelligence we hope to achieve.

However, many families with children like this product very much. Children are more curious about smart speakers, and they will not only use but also communicate with Xiaodu like chatting. So the editor thinks that artificial intelligence is a technology for the next generation, and children are more adaptable to such products when they are young. At present, the number of activated devices equipped with DuerOS has exceeded 87 million, and the number of monthly active devices has exceeded 21.40 million. Baidu has also found this feature in such a huge demand. So Xiaodu smart speakers have specially launched a children’s mode for children. In children’s mode, Xiaodu smart speakers will affectionately call users "baby", and the tone, tone and words will change. And the same sentence, if it is said in standard mode, is completely another tone and words.

The world in the eyes of children is different from the world in the eyes of adults. They will have many questions. Adults may not have the energy to answer children’s endless questions one by one due to work and life pressure. If they don’t answer, it will hurt children’s curiosity. But with Xiaodu, the situation becomes different. Children can explore and solve problems by themselves through Q & A with Xiaodu. In searching for this usage scenario, Baidu has also made special treatment for children, filtering sensitive and unhealthy information from technical means to give children a purer environment.

In addition, we have also selected a large number of high-quality fairy tales, ancient poems, children’s songs, puzzle games, and other resources suitable for children’s growth.

Geek Mode

The most unsatisfactory thing about Xiao Du’s previous smart speaker products is that he can wake up frequently to have some multi-round conversations, which makes the interactive experience very poor. Xiaodu smart speakers have also made changes for such people, launching the geek mode. As long as you give the speaker a voice command to activate the geek mode, you can enter the mode. In this mode, you can complete the continuous conversation with the speaker without repeated awakening. For example, Xiaodu Xiaodu – I want to listen to Li Jian’s song – change it – louder the voice, such a complete experience that is closer to communicating with people.

Summary: The success of each product must be inseparable from its accurate market positioning. In addition to providing adults with a large number of music audiobooks, the artificial intelligence technology that represents the future direction must belong to the next generation of artificial intelligence natives. The child mode for children and the geek mode for technology enthusiasts respectively meet the needs of different groups of people, avoid some embarrassing problems of artificial intelligence technology at this stage, and are more targeted. Especially the current ultra-low price makes this smart speaker more cost-effective. You might as well start one and get ready to enter a new era of intelligence.