On May 10-11, the National Industrial Internet Platform Empower Deepin (Nanjing) Conference was grandly held at the Jiangning Convention and Exhibition Center. With the support of the Information Technology Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, this event was sponsored by the China Institute of Information and Communications Technology, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Academy of Information and Communications Technology (Nanjing) Information Technology Development Co., Ltd., and the Nanjing Jiangning Economic Development Zone Management Committee. Local industry and information departments, subordinate institutions, industry experts, and representatives of leading enterprises attended the meeting.

The conference focused on the theme of "platform empower, join hands for win-win", and held the launch ceremony and related results release activities such as the in-depth tour of the industrial Internet platform empower, the unveiling of the industrial Internet platform innovation and promotion center, and the cultivation of industrial Internet leading enterprises in Jiangsu Province. Participants had in-depth exchanges and discussions on the technological innovation of the industrial Internet platform, industry applications and enterprise digital transformation.

At the main forum held on the afternoon of May 10, President Yu Xiaohui of the China Academy of Information and Communications chaired the National Industrial Internet Platform Empowering Deep Industry Forum. Vice Governor Qi Jiabin of Jiangsu Provincial Government and Chief Engineer of MIIT Han Xia attended the forum and delivered a speech.


Vice Governor Qi Jiabin pointed out in his speech that Jiangsu Province has vigorously promoted the construction of the Industrial Internet in recent years, and has made remarkable achievements in the cultivation of key industrial Internet platforms, the construction of identification analysis nodes, and the construction of industrial Internet benchmark factories. In the next step, Jiangsu Province will build on the existing achievements, further promote the work of the Industrial Internet, and strive to build a national industrial Internet innovation and development highland.

Chief Engineer Han Xia said in his speech that the development of the Industrial Internet is of great significance. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology resolutely implements the work arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, deeply implements the innovation and development strategy of the Industrial Internet, and achieves fruitful results in the integration of applications and the construction of networks, platforms, and security systems. The next step will be guided by the outline of the "14th Five-Year Plan" to solidly promote the "Action Plan for the Innovation and Development of the Industrial Internet (2021-2023) ", focusing on deepening the promotion of integrated applications, strengthening infrastructure building, promoting common technological innovation, building a strong safety protection barrier, and creating a coordinated development ecology.


At the meeting, Vice Governor Qijiabin of Jiangsu Provincial Government, Chief Engineer of MIIT Han Xia, Deputy Secretary-General Zhang Lefu of Jiangsu Provincial Government, Deputy Director Wang Jianwei of MIIT Information and Distribution Department, Deputy Director Chi Yu of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Director Xu Jijin of Jiangsu Provincial Communications Bureau, Deputy Secretary-General Tao Lei of Nanjing Municipal Government, Director Yan Yingjun of Jiangning District, Deputy Director Wang Aijun of Jiangning Development Zone Management Committee, and President Yu Xiaohui of the Academy of Information and Communications Technology jointly unveiled the Industrial Internet Platform Innovation and Promotion Center. The innovation and promotion center is led by the China Information and Communications Research Institute and is committed to accelerating technological innovation, gathering industrial resources, and serving the digital transformation of enterprises. At present, the Innovation Promotion Center has built intelligent flexible production lines, deployed mainstream industrial Internet platforms, and carried out technological innovation and application verification such as digital twins, artificial intelligence, and industrial AR based on the platform. At the same time, it has brought together nearly 100 domestic industrial Internet platform solutions and more than 50 supplier resources, playing an important role in promoting regional technology, talent, resource exchange, and innovation and development ecosystem construction.

Wang Jianwei, Deputy Director of MIIT Information and Distribution Department, Chi Yu, Deputy Director of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Yu Xiaohui, Dean of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, and the main person in charge of cross-industry and cross-field industrial Internet platform enterprises, joined hands to launch the national industrial Internet platform empower in-depth activity. Through the in-depth activity, it can promote the deep connection between domestic powerful and distinctive industrial Internet platform enterprises and industrial manufacturing enterprises, effectively connect platform solutions and industrial application scenarios, help enterprises digital transformation, and promote the integration and development of industrial Internet and real economy in a wider range, deeper level and higher level.

Wang Jianwei, deputy director of MIIT, Inspector Chang Ruping of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and Chief Engineer Hu Jianbo of the Academy of Information and Communications Technology jointly launched the cultivation of new industrial Internet leaders, and released the first batch of 42 cultivation enterprises such as Nanjing Keyuan, Jiangsu Qingtian, and Langkun Wisdom.

After the launching ceremony, the conference entered the second session, chaired by Shi Denian, deputy chief engineer of the China Academy of Information and Communications. Ning Zhenbo, former chief consultant of the China Aviation Industry Information Technology Center, Cong Liqun, director of the Industrial Internet Industry Alliance and vice chairperson of the China Iron and Steel Industry Intelligent Manufacturing Alliance, and Li Qianmu, professor of Nanjing University of Science and Technology and vice chairperson of the Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology, shared their in-depth thinking and unique insights on the Industrial Internet.

Hu Jianbo, chief engineer of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, released the first batch of resource pools of the industrial Internet platform API store, the first batch of industry indexes of the industrial Internet platform, and the initiative of the industrial Internet platform to enter the park. Hu Jianbo pointed out that the API store can realize the convergence and sharing of platform solutions, model algorithms, industrial APPs and other innovative resources through the API interface, and promote the docking of supply and demand and coordinated development of the platform. The platform-based industry index can monitor and analyze the operation status of the industry in real time, support the government’s accurate decision-making, and help enterprises gain insight into the market. The platform into the park activity accelerates the digital transformation of the industrial park by creating an integrated platform application service system of "planning and design + platform introduction + landing deployment + effect evaluation

Zhao Zhihai, senior director of industrial big data at the China Institute of Information and Communications Technology, released the "Industrial Data Space · Ecological Chain" partnership program. The program was initiated by the China Institute of Information and Communications Technology in conjunction with more than 30 enterprises and universities, with the aim of jointly creating technical architecture standards and solutions for trusted sharing of industrial data, and building a solid foundation for enterprise digital transformation. Experts from the Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Tsinghua University, Dongfang Electric, China Telecom, Haiercaos, and Dr. Achtaz, chairperson of the European International Data Space Association, congratulated the establishment of the Ecological Chain Partnership Program through remote video.

Li Ying, professor and dean of the School of Emergency Management Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhang Qiliang, CEO of Xugong Information, Wang Jian, senior vice president of UF Network, Qu Kaifeng, chairperson of Yundao Intelligent Manufacturing, and Lin Jinbin, dean of Nanjing Iron and Steel Digital Application Research Institute, shared their useful experiences and excellent cases in platform empowerment and digital transformation.

During the meeting, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Jiangsu Provincial Government, and relevant provincial and municipal leaders also visited the Industrial Internet Platform Innovation and Promotion Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which was built by the China Institute of Information and Communications Technology.


In the next step, the MIIT Industrial Internet Platform Innovation and Promotion Center will undertake the resources of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology think tank to provide enterprises with digital diagnostic consulting, implementation plan design, solution verification, platform functional performance evaluation, talent training, innovation competitions and other public services, to help enterprises build comprehensive competitiveness based on the Industrial Internet.